Burke, Antje

Plant species of the Naute Game Park : an annotated inventory / Antje Burke - Windhoek : National Botanical Society, 2014 - 9 pages : fig., tables; 21 cm - Dinteria No. 34 p. 3 - 11 Oct-14 .

References, Appendix

This paper presents an inventory of plants of the Naute Game Park, based on field surveys and information from databases. The park extends over two quarter degree squares and 159 terrestrial plant species have to date been recorded. Deciduous dwarf shrubs comprise the majority of the flora. The rare, small tree Elephantorrhiza rangei and populations of quiver tree (Aloe dichotoma), Nama corkwood (Commiphora namaensis), Nama resin-tree (Ozoroa namaensis) and black-winged twin-leaf (Zygophyllum cretaceum) are of conservation importance on the inselbergs


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