Jäschke, Uwe Ulrich, 1955, Dr.

Die koloniale Bildsammlung der Stadt und Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt am Main / Uwe Ulrich Jäschke - Windhoek, 1999 - Journal / Namibia Scientific Society pp.69-85 ill. vol.47 1999 .

The photo collection of the " Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft" contains nearly 50 000 photos. These historical photographs are since World War 2 the property of the " Stadt-und Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt am Main" . Due to generous financial support by various Foundations it was possible to save the photos on microfilm and to digitise them on Kodak Photo- C D. In a Follow-up project this photo-collection will also be made available on the internet by an Access-database (www.stub.bildarchiv.uni-frankfurt.de)

Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft
