Cunningham, P.L. | van Rooyen, J.

First confirmed record of green turtle (Chelonia mydas) nesting along the Namibian coast / Peter L. Cunningham; Johan van Rooyen - Windhoek: Environmental Information Service, 2020 - 3 pages, figures, 30 cm

Includes references

Green turtles are protected in Namibia under the Marine Resources Act No. 27 of 2000 while the IUCN (2020) classifies green turtles as Endangered due to a decreasing population trend and a decrease in or widespread disturbance of nesting sites. This sighting is viewed as the first confirmed nesting site of green turtle published for Namibia, and furthermore confirms the importance of the Kunene River estuary, not only for avifauna, but as a potential green turtle breeding site.

2026-8327 = Namibian Journal of Environment, Volume 4, 2020; pages B16-18
