Strohbach, B.J. | Adank, W.F.; Coetzee, M.E.; Jankowitz, W.J.

A baseline description of the soils and vegetation of Farm Klein Boesman, Khomas Region, Namibia / Ben J. Strohbach; W.F. Adank; M.E. Coetzee et al. - Windhoek: Environmental Information Service, 2019 - 19 pages, figures, tables, 30 cm

Includes references

The Farm Klein Boesman south of Dordabis afforded the opportunity for a combined large-scale soil-and vegetation survey. The farm is of interest as it forms a transition between the central plateauand the Kalahari basin (in the sense of agro-ecological zones -De Pauw et al. 1998), as well as an ecotone between the highland savanna and mixed tree-and Dwarf shrub savanna/southern Kalahari sensu Giess (1998).

2026-8327 = Namibian Journal of Environment, Volume 3, 2019; pages A37-55

Applied sciences