Strohbach, B.J.

Vegetation of the thornbush savanna of central Namibia: baseline description of the present vegetation at Farm Erichsfelde, Otjozondjupa Region / Ben J. Strohbach - Windhoek: Environmental Information Service, 2019 - 20 pages, figures, tables, 30 cm

Includes references

The Vegetation Survey of Namibia project has been initiated to provide baseline data in support of sustainable land-use planning. The finding of historical data from the Farm Erichsfelde initiated a long-term monitoring programme. This study serves as a baseline description of the vegetation associations. Regular Braun-Blanquet type sampling was done in April 1999, and additional relevés were obtained from the BIOTA project from 2002 and 2005. The entire data set comprised 232 relevés with 379 species. The data were classified using the modified TWINSPAN procedure.

2026-8327 = Namibian Journal of Environment, Volume 3, 2019; pages A17-36
