Preliminary Agro Ecological Zones / Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Rural Development, Directorate Agricultural Research and Training - Windhoek : Ministry of Agriculture, 1998 - 69 pages : maps; 30 cm - Addendum to the Agricola ; 1998/1999 .

Title from coverpage

This Addendum to the Agricola of 1998 contains summary descriptions of the 69 preliminary agro-ecological zones into which Namibia had been divided, as a result of a Technical Co-operation Project (T C P/ NA M/6611) between the Food and Agriculture Organization and the Namibian Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Rural Development. The methodology followed to obtain this information and to draw the maps, is described in Agricola itself (Pages 27-30). a second article, summarizing the results obtaidut through this exercise, can also be found in the Agricola main text (pages 33-43)


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