The Africana Collections of the University of the Witwatersrand /

Musiker, Reuben

The Africana Collections of the University of the Witwatersrand / by Reuben Musiker - Johannesburg : University of the Witwatersrand, 1976 - 21 pages, illustrations; 21 cm - Occasional Publications .

Includes references

The purpose of this paper is to describe the scope and background of the University's three principal Africana Collections: Gubbins, Humphreys and Jeffreys. a brief vitae of the three principal collectors will be given, their collecting motives examined and an indication provided as to how their collections overlap with the University's other collections. Finally, the different collections are reviewed the perspective of the University's plans for the future.


Information sciences | Africana collections; Literature; Archaeology; Anthropology | Gubbins, John Gaspard (1877-1935); Humphreys, James (1902-1969); Jeffreys, Mervyn David Waldegrave (1890-1975|)

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