The influence of two levels of debushing in Namibia's thornbush savanna on overall soil fertility, measured through bioassays /

Zimmermann, I. | Nghikembua, M. ; Shipingana, D. ; Aron,T. ; Groves,D. ; Marker, L.

The influence of two levels of debushing in Namibia's thornbush savanna on overall soil fertility, measured through bioassays / I. Zimmermann ; M. Nghikembua ; D. Shipingana ; T. Aron ; D. Groves ; L. Marker - Windhoek: Environmental Information Service, 2017 - 8 pages, figures, 30 cm

Includes references

A healthy and productive rangeland depends on well-functioning ecosystem services such as effective cycling of water and nutrients. After rangeland has degraded, bushes may encroach in nature's attempt to restore water and nutrient cycling. When bush encroachment is addressed by debushing, with harvested bush wood sold off the land, then nutrient cycling is disrupted and soil fertility is likely to decline.

2026-8327 = Namibian Journal of Environment, Volume 1, 2017; pages A52-59

Applied sciences