Responses and feedbacks of burrowing mammals under differently managed rangelands /

Rodgers, M. | Bilton, M.C.; Hauptfleisch, M.L.

Responses and feedbacks of burrowing mammals under differently managed rangelands / M. Rodgers; M.C. Bilton; M.L. Hauptfleisch - Windhoek: Environmental Information Service, 2017 - 12 pages, tables, figures, 30 cm

Includes references and appendix

The study aimed to quantify differences in the abundance and diversity of medium-sized burrowing mammals between a wildlife reserve and a livestock farm in Namibia’s Omaheke region, and possible impacts of their activity on rangeland productivity.

2026-8327 = Namibian Journal of Environment, Volume 1, 2017; pages A40-51

Applied sciences