A comparison of the community dynamics of bioturbating small mammals between livestock and wildlife farming areas in the Kalahari, Namibia /

Hauptfleisch, M.L. | Vinte, M.P.; Blaum, N.

A comparison of the community dynamics of bioturbating small mammals between livestock and wildlife farming areas in the Kalahari, Namibia / M.L. Hauptfleisch; M.P. Vinte; N. Blaum - Windhoek: Environmental Information Service, 2017 - 6 pages, tables, figures, 30 cm

Includes references

The study compared abundance and diversity of small mammals between a commercial livestock and neighbouring game farm in the Kalahari Thornveld of Namibia's Omaheke region. Sherman traps baited with standard small-mammal attractants were set out in grids in similar habitats on each land use for four trap-nights during the growing season and the non-growing season of 2015.

2026-8327 = Namibian Journal of Environment, Volume 1, 2017; pages A34-39

Applied sciences