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Welcome to the Library of the Namibia Scientific Society where you will be able to find information on over 60,000 titles, 400 maps and 7500 photos; all relating to German South West Africa, South West Africa and Namibia.

The data available on this OPAC (online public access catalogue) is managed via the KOHA Library Software and is classified according to the DEWEY Decimal Classification system.

While the Namibia Scientific Society had the privilege to acquire two great collections, the Irlich and Gunter von Schumann collection, countless donations of books and other material have till date complemented our general and Namibiana collection.

For an efficient search on our database please keep the following in mind:

-       If you search under Subject, only English terms will be successful

-       Titles of the material have been entered in its original language wherever possible

If you are specifically looking for photos, maps, or to view our entire collection please follow the link below:

Please Click here to access NSS digital collection...

This database is solely made available online to allow interested individuals the access to information.

For further questions or additional information please contact us:

Library of the Namibia Scientific Society
Tel: +264 61 225 372
[email protected]

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